This past weekend we celebrated our littlest Munchkin's 2nd birthday. Yes, our Eli has graduated from infant to toddler right before our eyes. We began the day by going to the zoo and he had a blast! This was the first time he was able to really notice the animals and get excited about seeing them. He was also very excited about running around sans the stroller for a bit. We ended the day with dinner and cake with Nani and Papa. It was a wonderful day, and I don't think he could have enjoyed it any more than he did.
Here are just some of the things we love and cherish about our Eli:
- He is a very happy baby, sigh, toddler! When Eli was born, he was breach, that is, he was born face up. The nurses called him an "optimistic baby" (I had some other words for it at the time), and they were right. We love his constant giggles and his ability to make the rest of us laugh.
Loved by his daddy!
Having fun with Mom's VBS glasses
- He loves his family and has a special and different relationship with each person. He loves to read with Emma one minute and tackle Ethan the next. Nani is the one he loves to talk to and Papa is the one he loves to go on adventures with.

Hanging out with his big bro

Hamming it up with Papa
- Speaking of talking, he will not stop. Though there are some words he refuses to say even though he knows how, like "Ethan" (poor brother - we know he knows how, we think he just doesn't like the way it feels when he says it), he is learning new words every day.
- He's a snuggler. Like his brother before him, he loves to snuggle, mostly with the girls (can you blame him?). I'm enjoying this phase while it lasts.
- He's a tough little guy. We have been to urgent care more with Eli for injuries than with the other two combined. He's the only one of our kids to have had stitches, and, to put it mildly, he keeps us on our toes.
- He reminds us of Emma in looks and personality when she was younger. He and Emma share a lot of similar facial features, but they also share a love of reading, an intense stubbornness, and a pterodactyl-like shriek that will make your ears bleed. We have a lot of deja-vu moments around here, which has been really fun.
Eli and Emma at around the same age! It cracks us up how similar their faces and personalities are!
- He's our Eli. I could give you a thousand more traits that make Eli unique, but what we love the most about him is that the Lord made him and gave us the incredible privilege of being his family. Every child is a blessing, and Eli is no different. Our family was forever changed the moment we heard that little pterodactyl scream his way into the world and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Here are some photos of our little guy, though, one last thing you need to know is that he is the WORST picture-taker ever (and he knows it). Happy Birthday, Eli James!