The end of May will mark five months since we moved to Lindale, Texas, and those past five months have been busy, to say the least! It was an interesting process, but we are officially licensed, registered, and voting Texans, and are settling into our new life here.
Papa & Eli, trying on cowboy hats!
Learning how to shoot a bow and arrow at our women's retreat - I loved it!
Eli riding a four-wheeler with his toy shotgun - very Texas!
Enjoying the afternoon at the park.
Chris began his job at First Baptist Church of Lindale in January, and he loves it! We are so thankful for our new church family and for the love and care we have received from the moment we pulled in the driveway. It is such a blessing to be part of a church that is committed to preaching the Gospel and also to loving the members of the body and community. They even had a welcome night for us called "Chili with the Dilleys" where everyone dressed in a Western theme and had a chili cook-off. For dessert they presented us with Dilly Bars!
Loved our welcome sign!
Chili with the Dilleys!
Giddy-up, Ethan!
Our cowboys and cowgirl
The Cook-Off Contestants
The Whole Crowd
Mrs. Leah & Eli - Best Buds!
The kids began school in January after winter break and never really missed a beat! We did have to adjust to some changes in curriculum and the way the schools here in Lindale are structured. Since Lindale has had so much growth in such a short period of time, they do not have a traditional K-5 elementary. Rather, Ethan is at his own school, which consists on 15 (yes, 15!) Kindergarten classes as well as Pre-K, and Emma is at another school which is only First through Third Grade. Next year, Emma will go to a school that is only Fourth - Sixth. It was an adjustment for us to have to pick them up from two different schools every day, but we are very thankful for the schools here. Lindale Schools are one of the top rated schools in Texas, and it is a great place for them to be! Emma and Ethan were also blessed with wonderful and kind teachers who made their transition to Texas as easy as they possibly could.
Ethan's "Tribute to the Movies" Night
Ethan & I before the Mother/Son Dance at his school.
Emma enjoying Field Day at her new school!
Field Day Fun
Some day-to-day living changes that are different from Michigan is adjusting to the local flora and fauna. We quickly learned boots in Texas are not just for fashion and that, unless you want to get bit by fire ants or other creature, you want to be wearing those boots - even in your own backyard. Eli was the first to discover fire ants (of course), and it was not pleasant. Snakes are also part of life down here, although I refuse for them to be a part of mine. I have not run into a live one personally, but let's just say you don't want to be without a shovel or a hoe close by when you're outside. We also have lizards, wild hogs, and other new wildlife that the kids have really been enjoying for the first time. And, of course, there is no shortage of farm animals (cattle, horses, donkeys, goats, chickens, etc) for the kids to endlessly watch. We live in the city, but you don't have to go far before you run across a pasture full of grazing cattle, which I personally love!

Fire ant bites - ouch!!
I stopped to take this picture on the way home from a friend's house because I thought it was beautiful!
Farm fresh eggs from a sweet couple at church - there was even a pink one!
One of our lizard friends that hangs around the house that Ethan has affectionately nicknamed, "Hulk" because of his green color.
The weather, obviously, has also been one of the biggest changes from Michigan, but I'm not complaining. I personally have loved the warm Winter and the hot Spring we've had so far and I'm really looking forward to an even hotter summer! We have, however, experienced our first tornado, which was scary. I was two hours south at a women's retreat when it hit, but, by God's grace, Chris and the kids remained unharmed, which was a blessing, because a lot of Lindale was damaged. Thankfully, no major injuries occurred.
Two of the businesses here that were totally destroyed by the tornado last month.
I love living somewhere that has palm trees!
Finally, a few months ago we discovered Ethan had an inguinal hernia, and when we took him to the Children's Hospital of Dallas, they saw that he actually had two. About a week and a half ago, we traveled back to Dallas for his surgery, and Ethan did great. We are so thankful for his doctor, nurses, and everyone else who treated him there. He is recovering well, and should be back to 100% very shortly. We go back for our post-op in about two weeks.
Ethan's first appointment, where he was diagnosed.
Checking out part of the enormous train room at Children's Hospital in Dallas.
On our way home, enjoying his second set of Popsicles.
We are so thankful that the Lord has led us to such a wonderful place to live and serve, and we are looking forward to many years, Lord willing, of ministry in Lindale!