Saturday, July 30, 2011

Y-E-S to VBS!

After a great week of Vacation Bible School at our church here in Kentucky, Emma cried and cried at the end of the week when it was over. So, when we learned that we would be in Michigan the weekend of my home church's VBS, Emma was ecstatic. One was just not enough! The children's director there graciously allowed Emma to be a part of the fun and me to be one of her teachers.

Emma was a construction worker for the week, and I got to lead the firefighters. We had such a fun time learning, crafting, playing games, and, of course, singing! This year's songs were incredibly musical and fun and I still go to bed most nights humming at least one of them (Bi-bi-bi, bi-bi-bi, Big Apple Adventure.....).

Needless to say, at the end of every night, we fell into bed happily exhausted. By the end of our second week in the Big Apple, Emma's need for more Vacation Bible School was satisfied - at least until next summer!

The cutest little construction worker around!


Emma's hard hat and crafts in her special spot

We had so much fun in class together!

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