Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Take My Breath Away

One of Chris' favorite 80's songs is "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin (I can hear hear him singing goofily as I write).  Unfortunately, for me, it has become recent reality.  A few months ago, I came down with pneumonia (see post here).  After being treated with steroids and antibiotics, it went away quickly and I was thankful to be well again.

However, last week I started having difficulty breathing again.  My chest felt very tight, and it got worse Sunday after I sang in choir.  It took my breath away, and not because of the Holy Spirit (although it was an awesome song)!  So, I made another appointment with my doctor and she ran some tests to see what was going on.  My lungs are still free of pneumonia, but after a Pulmonary Breathing Test (PBT) she came back into the room looking very concerned.  For a non-smoker with no history or family history of breathing problems, the results were not good.  My lungs are not functioning as they should.  To start, I am now back on a steroid regimen and have a rescue inhaler.  Next, my doctor is recommending a pulmonary specialist and a CT scan.

Was this the news I wanted to hear?  Not really.  As a wife and mother of two rambunctious children, I was hoping for a less serious diagnosis.  However, I am learning again and again that God is sovereign and that His ways are not my own!  I can trust in Him because he is perfect in every way and because He has proved His grace and goodness in my life again and again.  Even in this trial, we have seen the many blessings that God has given us.

So, I am resting on His promises and praying for grace to trust Him more.  Mercifully, the steroids and inhaler have opened up my lungs and my breathing has already improved!  Please pray that I would not have an allergic reaction to them (as I did last time on a different type of steroid), and that the side effects would be alleviated; my joints ache pretty severely and my appetite is gone, which is problematic because I need to eat more when I am on them.  Also pray that God would grant Chris and I wisdom and discernment as we adjust and re-prioritize my daily activities. 

I was reading in Job this morning, and was encouraged and convicted by Job's response to the great calamity that the Lord had allowed in His life.  He says:

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;

or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you

  Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
 In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind.

Let us trust in the hand of the Lord for he is sovereign and over all things! 

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