Friday, July 27, 2012

Amazing Wonders Aviation

It's that time again!  It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since the last VBS, but last week Emma, Ethan, and I traveled around the globe with "Amazing Wonders Aviation."  Clad in her pilot's goggles, Emma was very excited to "travel" to the different stations for the first time as part of the Kindergarten class, while I was a co-teacher in the First/Second Grade class.  The church was covered in travel-themed decorations - from airplanes and globes to waterfalls and rainbows, and the halls were filled with the familiar sounds of children singing the always upbeat VBS songs! It is always a great joy to not only have my children participate in VBS, but for me as well to be able to serve.  I cannot tell you how much I benefited from the children's ministry program when I was a child, and it is a privilege to be able to help to continue that ministry to a new generation.

Of all the stations, it is safe to say that Emma enjoyed music the most.  She knew all the motions (better than I did, I confess) and even got to perform some of the songs and motions on Sunday with the rest of the VBS kids.

Ethan spent his week in the two-year-old class and though he was a little reticent about leaving his Momma every morning, he had a great time.  He colored, sang, listened to a Bible story, and even got to play outside with the water table.  As an aside, I am so very grateful for the nursery workers who spend their week caring for the worker's children so we can participate in VBS.  Not only did they allow me to participate as a teacher, but they did such a wonderful job planning fun and creative ideas for them to do during the week.  Ethan left his class every day excitedly telling me of all the things he got to do that day!

Major Ethan Dilley

In addition to VBS last week, my brother and his family came to town for a visit.  It was a joy to be able to see them and play with my sweet nieces.  Emma, Julia, and Ethan spent a majority of their free time playing with each other in the pool, and we are already missing them!  

Julia, Emma, and Ethan going for a swim!

After 2 days of rest from VBS, Emma began swim lessons this week!  What a busy and fun summer it has turned out to be and there is quite a bit left!

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