Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Knit Wit

Of all the people I know, my mom is the most diversely talented of them all. She is smart, musical, and creatively inclined. From sewing to quilting to basket weaving, my mom has dominated every craft she has had an interest in. The last few years, knitting has been my mom's latest pursuit. Needless to say, Emma, Ethan, Chris, and I have gotten some awesome winter wear - hats, gloves, sweaters and scarves - all beautifully made.

My goal this year is to engage my mind more than last through less television and more intellectual and creative pursuits. So, I have decided to follow in my mom's footsteps and become a knitter! During our trip back home to Michigan (blog post to follow), I had my first knitting lesson and it was, to say the least, challenging. Knitting is a subtly deceptive. At its heart, knitting is really just a series of knots that you repeat over and over - knit a row, pearl a row, knit a row, pearl a row, etc. However, knitting is also the only endeavor I have taken on where you cannot make even one mistake. Every knot has to be perfect or you find yourself (or in my case, my mom) taking apart the last three rows that you painstakingly knit. Unfortunately, my Obi Wan Kenobi resides some 600 miles away, so most of the teaching will be done through the miracle of Skype.

Still, I am going to keep at it. Knitting is an art that demands focus and precision which are two things that are never a bad thing to cultivate. And, after my first foray into the Great Skein Forest, I will get a pretty blue scarf. It may not be pretty, but it will be mine.


  1. I can't wait to get my first scarf from you. I don't care what color.
    It was wonderful having you all home for a whole week.
    I miss and love you very much.
    Keep knitting.

  2. I want a scarf too. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. We already miss you.


  3. Steph,

    I absolutely love your writing! I will be back regularly to see how the Dilley's are doing.
    love, Darlene
