Friday, January 7, 2011


Many things in life make a mother's heart melt, not the least of these being watching your children laughing and playing with one another. Since the day we told her she was going to be a big sister, Emma has mastered the role and loved every minute - and so has Ethan. In addition to helping me by bringing me diapers, wipes, or binkies, she has the unmatched ability to make her little brother laugh. Usually, she can just say "Ethan! Laugh!" and the giggling ensues. And while many think that having an older brother may be preferable to an older sister, Emma's love and protection for her brother rivals that of a mama bear protecting her cubs.

It is my prayer as a mother that the love and b
ond that Emma and Ethan share will continue throughout their lifetime. Undoubtedly, there will be many fights and tears along the way - this is also a major part of "siblinghood". Ultimately, though, I hope that they will remain each others confidant, encourager, protector, and friend.

It is also impossible for me, as I look at my little "pair" of siblings, to not think of my own. I am second in line to the Alvaro throne after my older brother, Jacob. While I do not remember much of our relationship as toddler and baby, I have been so blessed by my older brother. From threatening boys who hurt me in high school to babysit
ting my kids, Jacob has been such a special part of my life. We live almost 600 miles apart (yes, I googled it), but I know that if I ever needed him, he would be here, and I hope he knows that I would do the same for him.

Accordingly, here are pictures of my little siblings
and of my brother and I. I love all of you!

1 comment:

  1. And it melts my heart to hear my own daughter talk about her brother this way. Great writing. Keep it up!
    Love you,
