A few weekends ago, we took a long awaited trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit Chris' family. It was wonderful to be able to see his family and for them all to meet baby Eli and see how much Emma and Ethan have grown. We aren't able to visit often, so when we do, it is precious time with his family. We planned our visit to coincide with Chris' high school Alumni Weekend, and Chris was so excited to be able to see old friends and play a game in the softball tournament. Unfortunately, it absolutely poured on the day of the tournament, so the kids and I found a Target to walk around. Turns out, it was the largest Target I have ever been to (28 checkout lanes), so it all worked out in the end. After we visited Columbus, we headed to Yellow Springs to visit Chris' Dad. He lives on quite a bit of land and recently acquired some horses, which the kiddos were really excited about. I forgot my camera again (I blame it on having a small baby), but managed to get some pictures with my Blackberry.

One of Grandpa Mark's new horses
Ethan checking out the other horse!
Target Greatland!
may seem like an odd picture, but we used to eat at O'Charley's when we
lived in Louisville and haven't seen one in such a long time, so I was
excited to see one!
It was one busy and hectic weekend, but we had a great time visiting with friends and family and spending some time together during the travel time. Columbus and Yellow Springs are great cities (big and little, respectively), and if you ever are passing through, you should stop for a visit!
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