Our house is full of pictures. I love going from room to room and seeing photos of our family. Recently, we noticed a problem with our family pictures - something was, well, missing. That something, rather, someone is none other than Ethan! It has been two years since our last family photos and not only is Emma just over one year old, but our little man is nowhere to be found. So, we called up an old college friend and talented photographer, Jason Coobs, who graciously took some new pictures.
We also decided to take the pictures on the campus of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary not only for its beautiful landscape, but also because it has been such a major part of our family's story these last eight years.
Jason mostly does weddings, so we were very grateful that he agreed to help us out and we could not be happier with the results! Here are just a few of the many amazing photos of our family.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
This Too Shall Pass
No sooner had he pulled into the church parking lot when he got a phone call from me telling him to come back home. I was back on the floor, in tears, with Emma rubbing my forehead telling me everything was going to be all right because "Daddy is on his way home." By the grace of God, Ethan was napping and stayed asleep until Chris got home. So, as Chris arrived home, we left the kids with his sister (and later our neighbors), and headed to the emergency room.
Our last emergency room experience was agonizing and I really was not looking forward to sitting in a waiting room for three hours, but God was good and within 15 minutes of walking in the door, I was in a bed being re-hydrated by IV and 10 minutes after that I was seen by a doctor. As expected, he suggested a CAT scan, and, in the meantime, gave me some major drugs to help with the pain (which explains my smile in the picture). Unfortunately, those drugs made me itch terribly, but a hefty dose of Benadryl took care of that. Needless to say, by the time we left, I was pretty loopy.
The CAT scan results came back and we were so happy to hear that nothings major was wrong - my appendix, gall bladder, and intestines looked fine. So, what was the reason for the pain? Two words I never though I would hear - kidney stones. It really was the last thing we expected to hear, but the doctor told us the intense pain I had felt was the passing of a kidney stone. The symptoms were textbook (I always liked school), there was blood in my urine, and I had been severely nauseous the last few days. He also said I have another kidney stone in the same kidney, but that it is very small and will likely leave me alone - if the drugs hadn't made me happy, that certainly did!
All in all, it was one exciting Wednesday! I am so thankful for how we saw God's providence through those who watched our children and to the doctors, nurses, and staff in the emergency room! I am constantly reminded how blessed I am to live in a country where there is access to competent and compassionate medical care. I am especially thankful to my wonderful husband, Chris, who has been my biggest friend, encourager, and nurse these past few days and to my Emma who was alert, calm, and amazingly sweet even when her mommy was crying on the floor in pain. I am still moderately nauseous and sore, but the doctor says that should subside within a few days. As the old saying goes, "this too shall pass", and for me, quite literally!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Summer Fun!
The warm weather has returned, and with it, lots of summertime fun! We have enjoyed getting outside to play, walk, and spend time together. Our tub needs a good scrub, but it is definitely worth it. Here are some photos of our outdoor (and some indoor) fun we thought you may enjoy:
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
My mom and I live far from each other. Each day, I am reminded of just how much I love her because there is a void. When Emma learns to draw a new letter, Ethan starts walking, or we get some exciting family news, my first thought is, "I wish my mom was here to see this." Granted, Skype has allowed us to share so much more than in the past, but there is no substitute for your mom's hugs when you are sad. Though I wish we lived close to one another, God has used the distance to truly cherish the moments I have with my mom and to remind me of her love and influence in my life.
So, Mom, I love you - more than I could ever write or express. I wish I could be with you this Mother's Day, but you are here more than you know. Everything I learned about being a mother I learned from you and I see your love, encouragement, and joy every time I look at our family. Thank you loving me like Christ.
Finally, I know that this day, while joyous, can be heartbreaking for so many others. To those who desperately long to be mothers but are unable it is my prayer that the Lord would answer your prayers for children. If He chooses not to through the form of physical children, remember that you have the ability to be someone's spiritual mother as well. There are countless women in my life, besides my own mom, who have poured their lives into me and who have been such a tremendous part of my sanctification. And to those who have lost their mothers, let me first say that I cannot comprehend the void that is left when a mother is gone. As you remember your mom and her life and miss her, I hope that you will be comforted by God and others around you.
Whether today was happy, sad, or a mixture of both, I hope that you remember that the Lord is good. Happy Mother's Day!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Remembering September 11, 2001
On September 11, 2001, I watched the television as a plane ripped through the second tower of the World Trade Center. I sat in disbelief as I saw people jumping to their death to avoid the agony of being burned to death, and cried when the towers collapsed with thousands still inside. Later, reports came of the tragedies at the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. That day and its images will forever be seared in my mind. I will never forget the overwhelming sense of loss and anger at what was such an egregious and vicious attack by a group halfway around the world.
So, Sunday night, as I watched the news reports of Osama Bin Laden's death by military action, several thoughts flooded my mind:
So, Sunday night, as I watched the news reports of Osama Bin Laden's death by military action, several thoughts flooded my mind:
- A tremendous sense that earthly justice had been done. After nine years of hunting the man behind that horrific day, his perverted and extreme beliefs caught up with him. It was not shocking that such a violent man would meet such a violent death, but I do believe that earthly justice was allowed by the Lord. This is not always the case. We see this everyday - there are still liars, cheats, and murderers who seemingly go unpunished. However, God uses authorities to carry out justice on earth. Romans 13:4 says, "They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."
- Sadness over sin. This being said, I do not think it appropriate to raucously rejoice over the death of an individual - even one as evil as Osama Bin Laden. I do rejoice that his death brings an end to his murderous actions, but I am reminded that Bin Laden was a slave to sin. Were it not for the grace of God in my life in my birthplace, my family, and my salvation, I could have easily been viewing the events of September 11 with the same perspective as Bin Laden. The fact is that if it weren't for God's common grace and supernatural work in our lives, we would all be completely ruled by sin and hatred.
- Thankfulness to our men, women, and families of our Military. Words really cannot convey my appreciation to all who serve in our military and their families who support and serve at home. You have given your time, service, skills, and lives to protect and defend our country and we are indebted to you for your service.
- Prayer for those whose lives were shattered. As awful as September 11 was for the country and the world, there are those who lost their mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters whose grief we cannot comprehend. 3,000 people total lost their lives that day in the two towers, the Pentagon, the four planes that crashed, and the service men and women that were first responders. For their family and friends, life will never be the same. Those who are in Christ grieve with hope, but there are so many still without any. My prayer is that those who are without hope would find it in Christ and that everyone who is grieving would be comforted by our great God. Let us also continue to pray for the over 6,000 people who were injured in the attacks and sickened by the aftermath.
The Pentagon Memorial in Washington DC. The benches pointing to the Pentagon represent those who lost their lives in the plane. The benches pointing away from the Pentagon represent those who died in the Pentagon.
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