Monday, May 23, 2011

Family Photos

Our house is full of pictures. I love going from room to room and seeing photos of our family. Recently, we noticed a problem with our family pictures - something was, well, missing. That something, rather, someone is none other than Ethan! It has been two years since our last family photos and not only is Emma just over one year old, but our little man is nowhere to be found. So, we called up an old college friend and talented photographer, Jason Coobs, who graciously took some new pictures.

We also decided to take the pictures on the campus of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary not only for its beautiful landscape, but also because it has been such a major part of our family's story these last eight years.

Jason mostly does weddings, so we were very grateful that he agreed to help us out and we could not be happier with the results! Here are just a few of the many amazing photos of our family.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful kids. They say that comes from the grandpa.
