1. After 9 years of living in Louisville, KY, we moved to Michigan (Read Blog Post).

2. Emma turned 4-years-old (Read Blog Post).
2. Emma turned 4-years-old (Read Blog Post).
3. Chris transferred to Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary to finish his Master's degree.

4. Ethan turned one (Read Blog Post).
5. Emma began preschool (Read Blog Post)
6. Chris and Stephanie celebrated 5 years of marriage (Read Blog Post).

7. Emma was a flower girl for the first time in her Aunt Heather's wedding!
8. We became members of Cornerstone Baptist Church.
9. We became a proud aunt, uncle, and cousin to a new baby girl born to Stephanie's brother.
10. Ethan and Stephanie became well acquainted with the Urgent Care and ER, with 3 Urgent Care visits and 3 ER visits between them (See Blog Post).
11. After 6 years of working nights at UPS, Chris was offered a new, day-time position with a marketing firm in Dearborn.
Happy New Year!
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